Shri Ghan Shyamji shri Vitthalnathji youngest son, was born in 1571 through his second wife, Shri Padmavatiji. She died young os Shri Ghanshyam was raised by Shri Girdharji’s wife, Shri Bhamini. Shri Gusainji blessed her so that her lineage would always continue and to this day, the line of Shri Bhamini and Yadunathji are the two lineages that have survived. All the other lineages had to at some point adopt Acharyas into their family. Shri Ghan Shyam worshipped Shri Madan Mohanji and married Krishnavati. They had two sons and a daughter. Shri Ghan Shyam composed literature in Braja Bhasa and Sanskrit.