Shri Gopinathji the elder son of Shri Vallabhacharyaji was born on the 12th Day of he black half of the month of Asvin in the S.Y.1568. soon after Shri Vallabhacharyaji had completed a “Soma yajna” and was resideing in the village called ADEL. near Prayaga. He had reveived the fond care and full guidance in his education from his father . Shri Gopinathji was quite simple and to him the teaching of his father were not mere doctriners to be studied and talked about in eloquence but, principles to be followed sedulousy. The “Yajnopavita Sanskra” (thread ceremony) of Shri Gopinathji was performed in the S.T.1573 when Shri Vallabhacharya was staying in Varansi. Soon after as is the practic in cultured Hindu Brahmin families in those times,the real education of the young celebate into Vedic lore began in right earnest . Apart from the studies of the comparative systems of the doctirnes, he was trained in Anu Bhasyam , Subodhini and other works composed by Shri Vallabhacharyaji .The simple Satvik and scholastic life his father had mouled the young mind of Shri Gopinathji into adopting a lif e of self discipline and sacrifice. The marriage of Shri Gopinathji took place at an early age before Shri Vallabhacharya had renounced and left the world. It is said that his marriage was performed in South . Shri Gopinathji had one son , Shri Purushottamji and two daughter,Satyabhama and Lakshmi. It was a practice with him, right from his youth to read Shri Bhagavata Purana regularly.He was so obsessed with its reading that he would not even eat unless he would complete Shri Bhagvata. Very much worried about h\this adament attidue of Shri Gopinathji ,Shri Vallabhachryaji composed one Stotra containing one thousand names of Purna Purushottama Sahasranama , all extracted from Shri Bhagavta Purana and advised his son to read this work daily so that he could have the complete effect of reading Shri Bhagavata Purana. This ” Purushottama Sahastranama Stotra ” is one other original works of Shri Vallabhacharya and is much venerated. After Mahaprabhuji’s Asur vyom Leela Shree Gopinathji became Acharya of Pushtimarg. His personality & impression was similar to Mahaprabhuji. At present only 1 shlok of Gopinathji is available. “Shree Vallabh Pratinidhim tejo rasim dayarnmv Gun teetam, He has written many granths & shown his views on Shre Maprabhuji’s Granths. Currently only 1 grant – Saadhan Deepika is available. |